Greyhaired Raggedy Man

The Greyhaired Raggedy Man He was down on one knee staring intently at the lock on my apartment door. This raggedy man, locksmith, who had grilled me on the telephone about my lost keys. I was annoyed and irritated. I came up the stairs each one drew me closer. After I reached the third-floor landing, […]

Until we meet again…

Sunday in Church , I prayed for an end to my sister’s suffering. The cancer and the treatments had ravaged her body. She was afraid to die and very sad. I could feel the passing would be soon. I was already very sad as it was it was the anniversary of my oldest son’s death. […]

Another Blue Moon Night

I lie in bed gazing at the full moon staring back at me through a crescent window high on my bedroom wall. It has been the same for twenty seven years now…my personal time with the dark sky. In twenty seven years, 324 full moons plus a few extra blue moons. Interesting, yet trivial knowledge […]

Reverse Negative

Reverse Negative In photography, a reverse negative is a print of the negative image where once was light- now darkness where there is dark, it glows                     *** I have moments in the shadows seconds in the sunlight there are epochs when daylight seems a darker shade of night… blue satin sky inky velvet night […]